Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fairmont Park

Fairmont Park is located right outside the Lake Superior Zoo, but it is a public park with no admission charge.  There are walking paths and a little grove of trees, and you can hear a river bubbling by.  There is a bathroom building and picnic tables.
The surface is a bit unkempt, mixing sand, grass, and weeds.  When we visited, the grass you had to cross to get from the parking lot to the playground was water logged and it was hard to not get muddy.

Fairmont has:
  • 2 baby swings
  • 2 swings
  • 3 steering wheels
  • Pull-up bar
  • 1 slide
  • 1 double slide
  • Fireman pole
  • Bridge
  • Speaking tube
  • Ladders and stairs
  • Monkey bars
  • Tic-tac-toe
  • Ball maze
  • Digger

Duluth Parks page

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