Thursday, June 9, 2016

Chester Park

Chester Park is located near the University of Minnesota-Duluth, at a small ski hill and former ski jumping hill.  It is a sand park with trails and a creek very nearby.  There is a ski chalet down the road and a stage where they host concerts on Tuesday evenings in the summer.

My boys love this playground but it isn't perfect.  The parking lot and road are very close to the playground itself and my toddler is constantly trying to go down by the cars.  The creek is also within toddler escape distance so I have to watch closely whenever he is on that side of the playground.  The big boys like to run onto the stage and dance for a few minutes as part of their play.

There are several picnic tables and three benches.  There are no bathrooms near the playground.  EDIT: I have been told that there are bathrooms inside the chalet.

Some features:

  • 2 swings
  • 2 baby swings
  • Brand new swirly slide (the old one was metal and of questionable integrity.)
  • Merry-go-round
  • 2 double slides (great for racing)
  • Rock wall with holds
  • Track glider
  • Steps and a curved ladder
  • Spinning wheels monkey bars
  • Pull-up bar

Duluth Parks page

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